1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher. -WWW: good title, good typography, very good cinematography (sunrise shot), good camera movement -EBI: including pan/tracking label, some incorrect labels (birds eye zoom), no close up, extreme close up, more variety needed. 2) Type up your feedback from fellow students. -WWW: good variety of shots, well edited, good shots, range of camera angles + panning and tilting, all the shots, good quality, shot angles were good, good cinematography, length of video, titles of video (good), great choice of music, shots are very clear, great editing, great effort. -EBI: terminology is sometimes wrong, shaky camera, shaky camera and incorrect birds eye view, that is not what birds eye view is, some shots labelled incorrectly. 3) Now reflect on your work and write your own summary of the comments and feedback you have received. Write three WWWs and three EBIs. - WWW: a variety of camera angles, good quality, good c...