1) Write an analysis of the cinematography in the opening sequence. Highlight your use of media language and try to cover camera shots, angles and movement using the terminology we have learned in lessons. 

- The use of zoom in on the camera shot in the beginning allows us to focus on only what is happening in the scene and nothing else. Also the wide shot used allowed us to tell where the film is taking place.

2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?

- In the beginning of the scene, we see an extreme close up of a figure moving around in a circle through clouds. From this we can assume that the setting is in a plane flying through the sky.
- From the wide shot of the superman lifting up the car we can tell that the superman is in the city.

- From the wide shot of the man in the city, we can tell he is a superhero from what he is wearing and the fact that he is lifting up a car. This shows that he has a lot of power which is a quality of a superhero.

- We can also tell from the wide shot of the city that the storyline is going to be about a superhero who could potentially be saving the city.

Secondly, find and analyse one film or TV still image. Add the image to your blogpost. 

3) Analyse the camera shot/angle in the image and what it communicates to the audience. Remember to highlight the media terminology you use.

- In the image it uses a zoom in angle to communicate to the audience that they want us to focus on the people in the image. We would question what they are looking down at. The dark lighting emphasises their facial expressions.


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