1) State the 
song you have chosen for your preliminary exercise.

- Nobody Gets Me - SZA

2) Choose at least three music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. Make bullet-point notes on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene.

Summer Walker - Body

- The camerawork is quite slow.
- There are a lot of turns when moving the camera from scene to scene.
- Black and white editing is used throughout the video.
- She wears comfortable, silk clothing, has a calm facial expression.
- She is the only person featured in the video.

SZA - Good Days

- A lot of contrapuntal sound is used.
- Medium paced and fast paced cuts are used.
- The camerawork is smooth and follows the person.
- It switches from a regular camera to an old style filming camera.

Jhene Aiko - Sativa

- There is a lot of cutting in the video.
- It is mostly a sci-fi kind of video.
- A range of colours is used specifically black.
- There is a lot of turning when the video is being filmed.
- Fast paced cuts in editing. 

3) Write a short music video treatment for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can find an example of a treatment here. If you are making your real coursework then feel free to use the treatment from your summer project.

Scene 1: The video opens with a black screen with the song title on the front. Close up of the shoe the actor is wearing then zooming out to fully show the actor walking and the scenery behind them. The actor will be in a field singing the song and moving around when it gets to the chorus.

Scene 2: Then the actor will go to a new location. The new location will be a restaurant where the actor will be looking at their phone. They will be scrolling through pictures of their past relationships. Then the location will change an the actor will be on rooftop singing the song and acting all heartbroken. 

Scene 3: There will be another location change. The actor will be wandering around the streets singing the song looking around her surroundings. She will then be back on her phone with her ex lovers contact on her phone. Here she will be debating whether to call her ex back to let them know she misses him or if she shouldn't call him back. Then the video will end with a black screen with the album cover at the end.

4) Write a shot list containing EVERY shot you plan to film AND additional shots to create flexibility when editing (in a music video you will find you need FAR more shots than you think, particularly close-ups). These additional shots can be close-ups, alternative angles or something more creative. I advise using a simple table on Microsoft Word/Google Docs to set out your shot list - you can find an example here (this is from narrative filmmaking but the same format can be used for any video project)

Shot 1: Black Screen with song name and artist name and picture of album cover.
Shot 2: Close - Up of actor's shoes zooming out to full body shot of actor singing.
Shot 3: Medium shot of view behind the actor.
Shot 4: Wide shot of actor walking around in the location chosen.
Shot 5: Medium shot of actor singing the song.
Shot 6: Clos-up shot of actor scrolling through old messages of ex.
Shot 7: Focus will be back on actor singing.

5) Plan your mise-en-scene: what iconography are you including to ensure your audience understands the genre and style of your artist? Plan your settings, costume, make-up, props and lighting. 
C - Casual dressed outfit (jeans and a top), Nike shoes
L - Natural lighting from the sun.
A - Hadiya Aboukar.
M - Light makeup on the actor not too much.
P - No props needed.
S - Park.

6) Plan a shooting schedule that will ensure everything is filmed by the deadline. Include when, where, who is required, planned equipment and any other aspects you need to arrange. 

- It will be filmed on a Thursday.
- The filming will be done in a park nearby.
- Only my friend will be required no one else. Only one person.
- I will be filming on my phone.



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