Teacher Feedback

 1) WWW: We used appropriate setting. Our body language was correct and the seating and movements of the actors were on point. The editing was good and so was the camerawork. The recreation was similar to the original scene we used. Some of the costume was correct and so was the use of props.

EBI: I need to type up my script and my shot list. The camera angles could improve a little. Also the actor teacher could wear similar clothing to the scene to make it as accurate as possible.

2) Student Feedback: 

WWW: The recreation of the scene was as true as it could be to the original. The setting was correct and the dialogue was accurate. The actors were placed similarly to the scene. The camera had similar angles and the lighting was similar too.

EBI: The sounding of the video needs to be worked on as you can hear background noise . Correct clothing needs to be worn and more props could be used. We could use more male actors as it was all females. We could also do more in focus shots.

3) WWW: The setting was correct and the body language of the actors were similar too. The lines were learnt and the editing was good.

EBI: Wear similar clothing to the actor and write up a shot list and script.

4) I think that in the future i need to think about wearing the correct costume to match the actor and think about the lighting and placement of the camera.

5) In the future i need to think about  a different location so that the sound of the video doesn't get affected and edit it better.

6) For mise-en-scene, I have learned that mise-en-scene is important for film and tv as it allows the creator to film their movie scenes as properly as they can. It will also act as a guide for them when they are producing their work as they'll know what they need to include or what they didnt include to make the work there best it can be.


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