E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Annex%20-%20Dietrich,%20Marlene%20(Shanghai%20Express)_03.jpg

1) This picture uses filler light.

2) This picture has top lighting as we can only see the woman’s face from the top left. The rest of the picture is dark meaning the light is only coming from above.

3) The effect of these lightings is to put our focus onto the woman’s facial features and make us feel wonder what is down below.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\macbeth_rgb.jpg

1) This picture uses key light as we are able to see everything clearly as there is bright lighting.

2) The picture uses top lighting as the light comes from above  and the features of the character is accentuated. There is no shadowing or distorted effect so it cannot be under-lighting or backlighting.

3) The effect of these lightings is to makes us see the character clearly so we only focus on him.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Sin_City_005.jpg_cmyk.jpg

1) This picture uses back light as behind the character isn't as dark as below the character which means that the lighting is coming from behind.

2) This picture uses top lighting as the bottom of the picture appears to be darker than the rest which means the light has to be coming from the top. We also see his face clearly the most which mean the light is above.

3) The effect of these lightings is to create a mysterious tone.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Psycho_1.jpg

1) The picture uses key light as the lighting in the picture is the brightest.

2) The pictures uses top lighting as the we can see everything in the picture clearly.

3) The effect of these lightings could be so that we focus our attention onto the woman as the main focus is her.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\18631_Bladerunner-4.jpg

1) The picture uses back light.

2) The picture uses top lighting as the light is coming from the top side of the picture.

3) The effect of this is to allow us to see everything in the picture clearly.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\clockwork1.jpg

1) This picture uses back light as the light source is coming from behind the characters in the picture. 

2) The picture uses back lighting as the light is creating a silhouette.


E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\chienandolou1_cmyk.jpg

1) This picture uses key light as there is bright lighting in the picture.

2) The picture uses top lighting as we can see it coming from the top right corner creating a shadow.

3) The effect of these lightings is to accentuate the womans features so we can see it clearly and question why she is making that face.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Joanofarc1.jpg

1) The picture uses key light as everything in the frame is bright.

2) The picture uses top lighting as the persons features are clearly accentuated and there are no shadows or silhouettes in the background.

3) The effect of these lightings could be that there is bright light as the creator could want us to see and focus on the woman and what she could be praying about.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\H_003_rgb.jpg

1) The picture uses back light to cancel out key lighting.

2) The picture uses back lighting as the light is coming from behind the character and we can’t see anything else clearly.

3) The effect of these lightings is to make us wonder what else is in the frame and what is going on.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\double.jpg

1) The picture uses key light as the lighting is the brightest in the picture.

2)The picture uses top lighting as it is visible that the light source is coming from the top of the picture. We know this as there is a shadow behind the woman.

3) The effect of these lightings could be that there is bright light as the creator could want us to see and focus on the gun in the man’s hands.


  • style of filmmaking characterised by such elements as cynical heroes, stark lighting effects and frequent use of flashbacks.
  • Film noir typically employs harsh lighting and effective  shadows to compensate for low costs.
  • Shots of characters shrouded by shadowing are famous, primarily when low-key lighting is used to produce suspicious shadows.
  • Film noir relies on low-key lighting to create an uncanny atmosphere.


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