C - The clothes seem to be old as if he hasn't worn anything else for a couple of days. It may have been the only clothes he has had access to.

L - The lighting is dark which could've been done to draw our attention onto the man in the picture. It could represent a serious matter or that there is a darker side to the story.

A - The actors facial expressions highlight that he may be stressed about something from the way he creases his eyebrows. His hunched shoulders also show that heisnt in a good mood and that something is weighing him down.

M - On the corner of his forehead there is a bruise or there may be a cut. This could indicate that he could've been in an accident or an altercation that caused him to look so down.

P - There aren't any props in the picture.

S - The setting is unkown as it isn't clear from the picture. We could say that he is in a dark room.


C - We can tell from their clothes that this film was set for around the 1980s. We can also tell from their accent that this was set a while ago as people typically spoke with this accent back then.

L - They are in a room with a dark atmosphere. It indicates a sinister mood. The dark lighting causes us to focus on the strange activities that are going on. 

A - The facial expression of the girl wearing a red top seems to be very disturbed at the beginning. She could have gone through something traumatic that has caused her to go quiet from shock. We can tell she's not her usual self from her strange behaviour (growling) 

M -  The girl in the red tops has rough teeth, the kind of teeth someone her age shouldn't have. Though she has this as her body has been taken over. 

P - 

S - They are in a room with a dark atmosphere. 


C - The two people are wearing quite formal clothes.

L - The lighting is bright as there are lights everywhere. This helps us to see what is going on. The lighting matches the mood of the restaurant.

A - The girls behaviour seems to be odd considering where she is. She is at a formal restaurant but is acting out of place by doing things such as biting her toes and lifting up her top.

M - It is known that the girl is actually a man but puts makeup on and dresses like a female in order to stay in character to achieve what she needs to as a woman.

P -
S - They are in a fancy restaurant with a table just for the two of them.


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