1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

- WWW: good performance, use of shot reverse shot, stable camerawork, match on action attempted out of time.

- EBI: editing glitches, kenian appearing, include soundtrack, non diegetic sound.

2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.

- camera angles, good camera work, match on action. shot reverse, performance, funny, good acting, good editing, acting, 180 rule, dialogue.

EBI- match on action, reverse, no music , rough entry, quality and match on action, variety of camera angles and shots, aoundtrack, characters keep re-appearing, less abrupt cuts, better video quality.

3) Now reflect on your video. Did you meet the brief and successfully include the three key editing aspects we have learned?

- I think i met the brief to a certain extent. I’ve included three of the key editing aspects we have learned such as match on match action and reverse shot reverse and 180 degree rule. 

4) What were the strengths and weaknesses of your final film? Write a detailed analysis picking out specific shots, edits and any other aspect of film language you think is relevant.

My strengths were the camera angles, using the right lines for each scene and the right actions and movements. I lined up the camera as accurate as I could to match the scenes and had stable camera work.

5) Learner response: what aspect of editing did you find most difficult? What have you learned from this process that will help you when you start the actual coursework later this year?

- the aspect of editing I found most difficult was lining up each shot correctly. From this process I have learned that to achieve what I found most difficult is to place the camera in the exact position from each take so I get a good line up.


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