1) Music video treatment

1) Nobody Gets Me - SZA

2)  Kenian Tedros - Nobody Gets Me

3)  Scene 1: the video opens with a black screen with the song title on the front. Close up of the shoe the actor is wearing then zooming out to fully show the actor walking and the scenery behind them. The actor will be in a field singing the song and moving around when it gets to the chorus.

Scene 2: Then the actor will go to a new location. The new location will be a restaurant where the actor will be looking at their phone. They will be scrolling through pictures of their past relationships. Then the location will change an the actor will be on rooftop singing the song and acting all heartbroken. 

Scene 3: There will be another location change. The actor will be wandering around the streets singing the song looking around her surroundings. She will then be back on her phone with her ex lovers contact on her phone. Here she will be debating whether to call her ex back to let them know she misses him or if she shouldn't call him back. Then the video will end with a black screen with the album cover at the end.

2) Mise-en-scene planning


- Casual top with jeans, during the scenes that are filmed outside during the daytime whilst wearing Timberland shoes. During the bedroom scenes, the actor will still be wearing jeans but with a hoodie instead. During the scenes outside in the dark, the actor will be wearing the same clothes as she did in the bedroom. The relaxed attire showcases the actors personal expression of having her own style. It also showcases relatability and and authenticity. 


- There are three different lightings that the video will be filmed in.  A couple of the scenes in the music video will be filmed in the daytime so I will be able to use the sun as my source of lighting for those scenes. Some of the scenes will be filmed indoors so 


On person will be used, a female.


Only regular everyday makeup will be used on the actor. Nothing extra.


No props.


 I aim to use two locations, specifically an area with appealing scenery like a park. I will also include the location of a street, a bedroom, and multiple different clips that include scenic views. 

3) Shot list

Shot 1: Black screen with song name + artist name + album cover (Time: 4 seconds) (0:00 - 0:04)

Shot 2:  Close-up of actor’s shoe’s zooming out to a full body wide shot of actor walking with their back to the camera. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 5 seconds) (0:04 - 0:09)

Shot 3: Medium shot of random scenic view. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 3 seconds) (0:09 - 0:12)

Shot 4: Medium shot, zooming out, side view, of sitting on a brick wall. (Location: Brick Wall) (Time: 2 seconds) (0:12 - 0:14)

Shot 5: Medium shot tossing and turning in her bed (Location:Bedroom) (Time: 2 seconds) (0:14 - 0:16)

Shot 6: Medium shot, zoomin out, back view, of sitting on a brick wall. (Location: Brick Wall) (Time: 2 seconds) (0:16 - 0:18)

Shot 7: Medium shot of actor singing song whilst camera glides. (Location: Park) (Time: 4 seconds) (0:18 - 0:24). (Took a long vacation no make-up just Jay Z)

Shot 8:  Close-up shot of actor singing song whilst camera glides. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 4 seconds) (0:24 - 0:28). (You were balls deep now we beefin had me but naked at the MGM)

Shot 9: Wide shot of actor singing the song whilst walking backwards with hand gestures. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 3 seconds) (0:28 - 0:31)  (So wasted screaming F that)

Shot 10: Random scenic shot. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 2 seconds ) (0:31 - 0:33) (Blurry now but I meant it then)

Shot 11: Medium shot of actor sitting on a bench. (Location: Bench) (Time: 2 seconds) (0:33 - 0:36)   (Hurry now baby stick it in)

Shot 12: Close up shot then zoom out of the actor singing whilst sitting on a brick wall. (Location:Brick Wall) (Time: 6 seconds) (0:36 - 0:42)  (Fore’ the memories get to stickin’ in its too late I don't wanna lose)

Shot 13: Medium shot getting out of bed frustrated. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: 2 seconds) (0:42 - 0:44). (What’s left of you) 

Shot 14: Looking up thoughtfully sitting at desk chair. (Location: Bedroom) (TIme: 3 second) (0:44 - 0:47) (How am I supposed to tell you) 

Shot 15: Over the shoulder shot looking at the actor texting the lyrics. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: 3 seconds ) (0:47 - 0:50)  (I don’t wanna see you with anyone but me)

Shot 16: Medium shot of singing. (Location: Brick Wall) (Time: 4 seconds) (0:50 - 0:54) (Nobody gets me like you) 

Shot 17: Medium shot front view of actor sitting on desk chair, rolls it back, hands in hair. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: 2 seconds) (0:54 - 0:56) (How am I supposed to let you go)

Shot 18: Medium shot side view of actor running her hands down her face slowly. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: 4 seconds) (0:56 - 0:59) (Only like myself when I’m with you) 

Shot 19: Medium shot walking to camera filming in a circle looking away. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 5 seconds) (0:59 - 1:04) (Nobody gets me you do)

Shot 20: Full body shot then looking back nodding head to song. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 5 seconds ) (1:04 - 1:10) (You do)

Shot 21: Back to centre medium shot. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 2 seconds) (1:10 - 1:12) (Nobody gets me) 

Shot 22: Random scenic view. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 2 seconds) (1:12 - 1:13) (You do)

Shot 23: Random scenic view. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 2 seconds) (1:13 - 1:16)

Shot 24: Medium shot, back shot of the actor walking in the street. (Location:Street) (Time: 3 seconds) (1:16 - 1:19) (You do)

Shot 25: Medium shot, front view of actor walking in the street. (Location:Street) (Time: 4 seconds)  (1:19 - 1:23)  (Nobody gets me you do)

Shot 26: Medium close-up shot of random view. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 3 seconds) (1:23 - 1:26)

Shot 27: Medium shot, front view of actor walking in the street. (Location:Street) (Time: 2 seconds)  (1:26 - 1:28) (You do)

Shot 28: Medium close-up of actor standing in front of a brick wall. (Location: Brick Wall) (Time: 4 seconds) (1:28 - 1:32) (Nobody gets me you do)

Shot 29: Medium shot of actor looking at old pictures of the day out then turning off the phone. (Location: Bedroom) (Time:1 second ) (1:32 - 1:33 ) (Took me out to the ballet) 

Shot 30: Medium shot of actor looking at an old ring. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: 2 seconds) (1:33 - 1:35) (You proposed I went on the road)

Shot 31: Medium shot of actor shaking her head, taking the ring off and sitting on the table. (Location: Bedroom)  (Time: 5 seconds) (1:35 - 1:40) (You was feelin’ empty so you left me now i'm stuck dealing with a deadbeat )

Shot 32: Close-up shot of actor singing. (Location: Street) (Time: 3 seconds) (1:40 - 1:43) (If i’m real I deserve less)

Shot 33: Close-up shot of actor texting lyrics on phone. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: 2 seconds) (1:43 - 1:45) (If I was you I wouldn't take me back)

Shot 34: Medium shot of random scenic view. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 1 second) (1:45 - 1:46) (I pretend when)

Shot 35: Medium shot of random scenic view. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 1 second) (1:46 - 1:47)  (I’m with a man)

Shot 36: Medium shot of random scenic view. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 1 second) (1:47 - 1:48)  (It’s you)

Shot 37: Random scenic view. (Location:Street) (Time: 3 seconds) (1:48 - 1:51) (And I know that it’s too late)

Shot 38: Full body shot of actor singing in park whilst camera glides. (Location: Hyde Park)  (Time: 3 seconds) (1:51 - 1:54) ( I don’t wanna lose)

Shot 39: Close-up shot of actor singing. (Location: Bench) (Time: 2 seconds)  (1:54 - 1:56) (What’s left of you)

Shot 40: Medium close - up of actor singing. (Location: Street) (Time: 2 seconds) (1:56 - 1:58) (How am I supposed to tell you)

Shot 41: Medium shot of actor walking towards camera. (Location: Street) (Time: 5 seconds) (1:58- 2:02) (I don’t wanna see you with anyone but me)

Shot 42: Medium shot of singing. (Location: Brick Wall) (Time: 4 seconds) (2:02 - 2:06) (Nobody gets me like you)  (SCENE REUSED FROM SHOT 16)

Shot 43: Close-up side view of actor writing notes of lyrics. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: 2 seconds) (2:06 - 2:08) (How am I supposed to let you go)

Shot 44: Close-up over the shoulder view of actor writing notes of lyrics. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: seconds) (2: 08 - 2:11) (Only like myself when I’m with you)

Shot 45: Medium shot walking to camera filming in a circle looking away. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 5 seconds) (2:11 - 2:18) (Nobody gets me you do) (SHOT REUSED FROM SHOT 19)

Shot 46: Medium close-up sitting on bench singing lyrics zooming out. (Location:Bench) (Time: 3 seconds ) (2:18 - 2:21) (You do)

Shot 47: Centre medium shot walking to camera. (Location: Hyde Park) (TIme: 6 seconds) (2:21 - 2:27 ) (Nobody gets me you do)  

Shot 48: Medium shot, back shot of the actor walking in the street. (Location: Street) (Time: 3 seconds) ( 2:27 - 2:30) (You do) (SCENE REUSED FROM SHOT 24)

Shot 49: Medium shot. Front view of actor walking in the street whilst singing. (Location:Street) (Time:4 seconds) (2:30 - 2:34) (Nobody gets me you do)  (SCENE REUSED SHOT 25)

Shot 50: Scenic view shot. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 1 second) (2:34 - 2:35) 

Shot 51: Scenic view shot. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 1 second) (2:35 - 2:36) 

Shot 52: Scenic view shot. (Location: Anywhere) (Time: 1 second) (2:36 - 2:37) 

Shot 53: Medium shot, back shot of the actor walking in the street. (Location: Street) (Time: 3 seconds) (2:37 - 2:40) (You do)  (SCENE REUSED FROM SHOT 24)

Shot 54: Medium shot on bed scrolling on phone then drops it onto bed. (Location: Bedroom) (Time: 4 seconds) (2:40 - 2:44) (Nobody gets me you do) 

Shot 55: Sitting on a brick wall looking at scenery. (Location: Brick Wall) (Time: 2 seconds) (2:44 - 2:46) 

Shot 56: Actor sitting on bench looking away whilst camera zooms out. (Location:Bench) (Time: 2 seconds) (2:46 - 2:48) 

Shot 57: Actor walking down park. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 2 seconds) (2:48 - 2:50)

Shot 58: Front view of actor walking in the park. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 4 seconds) (2:50 - 2:54) (Nobody gets me you do)

Shot 59: Over the shoulder look. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 2 seconds) (2: 2:54 - 2:56) 

Shot 60: Far view of actor walking. (Location: Hyde Park) (Time: 2 seconds) (2:56 - 2:58)

Shot 61:  Black screen with album cover. (Time: 2 seconds) (2:58 - 3:00)

4) Shooting schedule

- 28 October - 3 November


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