1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class.

WWW: good lip sync, good cutaways, good opening shot, good panning, good camera movement on performer.

EBI: only 20 secs, needs to be longer, no need for the title, edit on adobe premiere, more editing + angles of performer, cutaway too long, more editing + angles of performer.

2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write three WWW bullet points and three EBI bullet points for your work.

WWW: use of location, camera movement of the tilt, censoring the sound, good cinematography, long shots

  EBI: use adobe, another location, use of tripod, take off the cap cut part, cut away, 

3) How effectively did you complete the objective you laid out in your mini preliminary exercise statement of intent?

- I used a range of camera movements

- I had my actor dress in casual clothes and makeup.

- I used the location of a park.

- I showcased the shoes.

4) What have you learned from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project?

- I learnt how to sync scenes together from the lip syncing to match the music.

- I learnt how to edit text onto the video and how to clip scenes to match the timing of the song.

5) Now you have completed the preliminary exercise, will you change anything about your actual coursework video plan? This could include your concept, cast/actors or technical elements such as mise-en-scene, camerawork or editing.

- The actor will be different.

- The location will be different.

- The camerawork and editing will stay the same but there will be more shorter scenes with more cuts.


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